We are excited to announce that the  Accessibility Project Videos are now live! These educational videos will feature personal, real-life stories from people across British Columbia, highlighting the usefulness of personal planning and Representation Agreements.

To watch “An Introduction to Personal Planning & Representation Agreements in BC” and “Nidus Registry – An Introduction” – please visit this page. These educational videos feature personal, real-life stories from people across British Columbia, highlighting the usefulness of personal planning and Representation Agreements.

What is personal planning? How is it different from estate planning? What if I have a Will and an Enduring Power of Attorney – am I covered? What if I can’t make any of these documents? What will happen to me in an emergency if I can’t speak for myself? Learn the answers to these questions and more. There will be a short period for Q&A.

We are pleased to be collaborating with our event hosts, Huntington Society of Canada, BC Chapter, Plan InstituteBC Association of Community Response Networks (BC CRN)Parkinson Society BC, Memorial Society of BC, Council of Senior Citizens’ Organizations of BC (COSCO), Family Caregivers of British Columbia, Autism BC, Inclusion BC, and Vela Canada, for our webinars in 2024.

Thank you to the BC Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction and Disability Alliance BC (fund administrator) for the Accessibility Project funding for these videos.