Community Partners

Welcome to our Community Partners page! Here, we celebrate the collaborations that enrich our mission and extend our reach. Explore the organizations we partner with, featuring interviews where they share their initiatives and the impact of our collective work in advancing shared goals and serving our communities.

BC Association of Community Response Networks

Plan Institute

COSCO – Seniors’ Health & Wellness Institute

Memorial Society of BC

Family Caregivers of BC

Parkinson Society British Columbia

Vela Canada

Inclusion BC

Canadian Deafblind Association-BC Chapter

Community Partners

BC Association of Community Response Networks

BC CRN helps vulnerable adults experiencing abuse, neglect, and self-neglect through local networks of service providers, volunteers, government, seniors’ groups, lawyers, doctors, and more in the community, who help provide a coordinated response.

BC CRN refers adults to Nidus who need help with planning for future incapacity, or who need help now with making decisions and/or managing their affairs.

Nidus & BC CRN believe that adults deserve to live in safe communities where they are valued and respected, and envision a future where all adults in BC have access to support if they need help.

BC CRN is a provincial organization funded by the BC Ministry of Health; 86 Community Response Networks operate throughout 262 communities in BC.

For more about BC CRN, visit

Featured in Nidus’ November 2023 Newsletter.

Plan Institute

Plan Institute works to inform people about what having a disability can mean for them or people they’re supporting and connecting them with the right help, guidance, and resources to get individuals on the right track, often partnering with and referring to other organizations.

We talked to Liss Cairns, Program Manager at Plan Institute, about how Nidus’ resources have positively impacted their organization and the people they serve: 

Liss: Nidus has always been a fantastic resource, with expert knowledge and information shared on the Representation Agreements and other legal planning tools. We’ve used Nidus resources and information and the Nidus Registry most through our free national disability planning helpline service, where people can reach out to get support understanding their options and next steps on topics such as the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP), wills, trusts, personal support networks, advocacy, and so much more.

I love the way that Nidus has been updating the website because it’s really easy to navigate and very informative for the people we support and our team. We often refer people to Nidus directly alongside using the resources and information ourselves in order to have the most updated and accurate information around supported decision making and legal rights/responsibilities. We’ve had a team training session facilitated by Nidus on Representation Agreements and Enduring Powers of Attorney, and frequently download and make use of Nidus’s fact sheets and other resources.

There are a lot of tangible ways that the information is used to help people and our team, as well as the people we support, are thankful that Nidus continues to offer valuable, informative, and clear help and knowledge. It’s amazing to know that Nidus exists and is committed to empowering people to make the best decisions for themselves through education, support, and navigation.

What exciting projects/initiatives is Plan Institute currently working on? 

Plan Institute is currently working on several projects in 2024, including interpreting our RDSP Level 1 webinar into Arabic, Spanish, Mandarin and Punjabi to be launched by March 31 and redeveloping our RDSP Level 2 webinar.

Plan Institute and Nidus look forward to continuing to work together, to empower and offer tangible support to our communities.

Learn more about Plan Institute at and

Featured in Nidus’ January 2024 Newsletter.

COSCO – Seniors’ Health & Wellness Institute

COSCO is an umbrella organization made up of seniors’ organizations and individual associate members. COSCO represents approximately 80,000 seniors in BC. COSCO aims to promote the well-being of seniors and their families, advocating for policies that allow seniors to remain active, independent, and fully engaged.

The Seniors’ Health & Wellness Institute-COSCO has a separate Board and mandate to provide both in-person and online free workshops about good health and better living for seniors in BC.

We spoke with Barb Mikulec, COSCO’s Vice-President, and President & Chair of Seniors’ Health & Wellness Institute-COSCO and Sylvia Helmer, Facilitator, Mentor, and Data/Report Coordinator, about their organizations’ initiatives and how Nidus’ resources and the Nidus Registry positively impact their work and the seniors they serve:

Sylvia: If you want more information in a layperson’s language to help you understand, go to is my recommendation. When I’m assisting seniors, I share handouts from Nidus on Personal Planning – particularly the compare/contrast chart for Representation Agreements and Enduring Powers of Attorney. It’s very convenient and helpful. Nidus puts legal things into more accessible terminology for people who are new to it. This is particularly true when working with senior groups who have a different home language. It’s hard enough for English speakers to learn the legal language and the right things to say, not to mention somebody who doesn’t have English as their first language. Nidus, in particular, is very good at condensing and coming up with – here’s a few key things you need to remember.

Having the Nidus Registry as an example, as a place to store things online, this has been the go-to for all the groups, especially what I would call ‘newcomer groups’. We say, there is a way that you can have copies of documents safe. I remember my lawyer said to me, you may want to register your legal documents on the Nidus Registry. The Nidus Registry is great for facilitating secure access with your representative, as opposed to reported difficulties with representatives getting access to safety deposit boxes.

Barb: I’m very proud of that connection with Nidus. It is an opportunity for people to explore further, to store documents or to find more information. Nidus is user-friendly. And if we can help elders to put their documents in order, it gives them peace of mind.

What exciting things are you working on that we can share with our audience?

Barb: What we’re doing is a series of workshops, every week, people log in by Zoom to our series, so we can present to a larger group of people in the comfort of their homes. Planned series events such as this are advertised widely; registration is from our website.

In February/ March, we are having an online webinar series every Wednesday – a “Seniors Institute Safety Series“. We get huge numbers of people from wherever they live, or several people gathered together around a big screen at a community centre. We are reaching so many people, and this is where the link with Nidus comes in when the topic is personal planning.

Another asset is that the Institute has a presenter who is fluent in Cantonese, and we will be able to offer various sessions in Cantonese, which is an incredibly complex process — we’re very excited to reach groups in person and via Zoom. Our brochure is attached.

Nidus is honored to partner with the Seniors’ Health and Wellness Institute Society (COSCO) in supporting seniors and in ensuring that personal planning is accessible to everyone.

For more information about COSCO and Seniors Health and Wellness Institute-COSCO, visit and

Featured in Nidus’ February 2024 Newsletter.

Memorial Society of BC

The Memorial Society of British Columbia is a non-profit organization formed over 55 years ago to help its members to plan funerals that are simple, dignified and affordable.

Could you briefly introduce the Memorial Society of BC to our readership who may not be familiar?

Peter: The Memorial Society of British Columbia is a non-profit organization. For over 65 years, we’ve been helping people access affordable, simple, and dignified funerals. We enter into partnerships with independent funeral providers in BC. Our members are then eligible for a discount on funeral services when using one of our contracted funeral providers.

We also have a member support team, which provides knowledgeable and compassionate support to our members and their families. Our members also have access to an online account where they can store their vital statistics and arrangement information. This includes everything from the funeral industry and community resources to greener funeral options and other important end-of-life issues.

How has the Memorial Society of BC used Nidus resources, materials, and the Nidus Registry to benefit your membership? 

Peter: Nidus is a phenomenal resource on Representation Agreements. One of the key offerings of Nidus is the Nidus Registry as a centralized place, to host or store their documents. We do experience occasions where a family will call us upon the death of a member, and they’re not clear where the member has stored their will or arrangement information regarding their wishes for their funeral. It’s important that our members give thought to how best to ensure that upon their death, that information is readily accessible to their loved ones and those managing their estate.

What exciting projects or initiatives is the Memorial Society of BC currently working on that you think would benefit or interest our audience?

Peter: We’re wishing to broaden our membership base. In the next year or two, we’re looking at engaging with diverse cultural communities throughout BC through targeted outreach and relationship building. We’re also looking to contract with additional independent funeral providers to offer more options for members in parts of the province which are currently being underserved.

For more information about the Memorial Society of BC, visit their website at: or call their office at 1-888-816-5902.

Featured in Nidus’ March 2024 Newsletter.

Family Caregivers of BC

Family Caregivers of British Columbia (FCBC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing information and support to family caregivers.

Could you briefly introduce the organization to our readership who may not be familiar?

Kate: FCBC is a provincial, not-for-profit organization that proudly and compassionately supports over one million people in British Columbia who provide unpaid physical and/or emotional care to a family member, friend, or neighbour.

FCBC supports caregivers by providing access to information, education, and support so that caregivers feel more confident and successful in their important role. FCBC provides a caregiver support line, monthly support groups, and an online Caregiver Learning Center.

How has FCBC utilized Nidus resources to support your mission and work?

Kate highlighted that Nidus is a valuable resource for caregivers seeking information on legal planning, such as representation agreements, enduring power of attorney, and wills. FCBC regularly refers caregivers to Nidus for guidance on these important aspects of caregiving. FCBC also features Nidus resources on their website.

What exciting projects or initiatives is FCBC currently working on that might interest our audience?

Kate: This year FCBC released a new resource ‘Team-Based Care: A Guide for Family Caregivers as Partners’.

Christine: FCBC organizes themed weeks during May for Caregiving Awareness Month. For May 2024, FCBC is offering webinars and discussions, inviting everyone to join in recognizing and celebrating the invaluable contributions of caregivers. Visit the FCBC website to learn more about these special events.

From your perspective, how do you envision a partnership between NIDUS and FCBC?

Kate:  By collaborating, we can reach a broader audience. Nidus offers expertise in legal planning, while FCBC focuses on the holistic needs of caregivers. Together, we can ensure caregivers have the knowledge and tools they need to navigate their caregiving journey effectively.

Webinar Announcement
NIDUS and FCBC are excited to announce a collaborative webinar on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, from 10-11 am Pacific Time. All are welcome. The webinar will focus on the topic of Personal Planning, Representation Agreements, and the Nidus Registry – with personal, real-life stories from people across BC. To register, click here.

Parkinson Society British Columbia

Established in 1969, Parkinson Society British Columbia (PSBC) is the voice for 13,000 individuals who live with Parkinson’s disease in British Columbia.

Alana: PSBC is a nonprofit health organization dedicated to ensuring no one faces Parkinson’s alone. Established in 1969, we empower individuals with Parkinson’s through resources and services that foster self-management, self-reliance, and self-advocacy. Our services include counselling and healthcare navigation.

PSBC offers 50 support groups across BC, a one-on-one peer support program called PD Link, and educational resources. We also host webinars and conferences featuring professionals on various Parkinson’s topics, both in-person and virtual, for greater accessibility to Parkinson’s education across the province.

How has Parkinson Society BC utilized Nidus resources?

Alana: Nidus resources help us address advance care planning and legal documents, which can be overwhelming for those with Parkinson’s. It’s an added layer to managing the symptoms of a complex disease in their daily lives. Our healthcare navigators assist with understanding and utilizing Nidus resources, simplifying complex legal concepts, and assisting with document completion. We host webinars with experts from Nidus, providing direct interaction and easing the anxiety of navigating these topics. Nidus resources are essential for our population, offering the support they need.

We’re impressed by the comprehensive support and resources Nidus provides. Nidus stands out for promoting self-determination and offers an empowering alternative to traditional legal practices. It’s unique in Canada and internationally, providing essential and empowering support.

What exciting projects or initiatives is PSBC currently working on?

Alana: We recently merged our healthcare navigation and counseling programs. We’re launching a training initiative to foster understanding of Parkinson’s and promote inclusivity, starting with the tourism and hospitality sectors. Additionally, we’re creating an educational booklet for healthcare professionals on Parkinson’s care, which will include legal support information for advance care planning, so that healthcare professionals are prepared to support patients in this capacity as well, whether by providing resources or starting the conversation with patients and their families about Advance Care planning.

What is your perspective on collaborations such as between Nidus and PSBC?

Alana: Collaborations provide comprehensive support, joint education initiatives, easier access to resources, and strengthen advocacy efforts. Our common goals and overlapping audiences mean that working together could ease the planning process and empower individuals affected by Parkinson’s to make informed decisions about legal plans for their financial and healthcare matters.

Vela Canada

Vela Canada is a not-for-profit based in British Columbia, Canada. Vela Canada assists people with disabilities in taking greater control of their lives.

Could you briefly introduce Vela Canada to our readership who may not be familiar?

Vela Canada, primarily operating across British Columbia, offers free services to support families and their networks in leading self-directed, enriched lives. 

We emphasize a person-centered philosophy, primarily facilitating individualized funding and Microboards to help achieve these goals.

How has Vela Canada used Nidus resources and the Nidus Registry to benefit your membership? 

We often direct our families, particularly those with transitioning youth, to Nidus for essential resources. 

During our intake process, we emphasize the importance of setting up a Representation Agreement and understanding options in the adult system compared to the system for children. For those who choose individualized funding, a Representation Agreement is crucial. We rely on Nidus’s forms and resources to support our families and Microboards. 

Having been engaged with Nidus for over 16 years, I am continually impressed by BC’s progressive legislation, which provides a strong foundation for the services we provide.

What exciting projects or initiatives is Vela Canada currently working on?

We are in the midst of a significant project funded by Community Living BC (CLBC), aimed at reducing the barriers of paperwork and administration for those choosing self-directed options. 

This two-year initiative intends to simplify processes, enabling more families to pursue and manage self-directed care effectively.

How do you envision our audiences benefiting from a partnership between Nidus and Vela Canada?

I think ultimately we’re all working towards the same mission, which is empowering individuals with disabilities and ensuring they have strong community support. 

There are a few other organizations in BC that share this goal.

For more information about Vela Canada, visit their website.

Inclusion BC

Inclusion BC is a non-profit that advocates for the full inclusion of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in BC.

Can you provide a brief elevator pitch for Inclusion BC?
Inclusion BC is a provincial advocacy federation that supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities across their lifespan—from the twinkle years to the twilight years.

We have 65 member organizations and four affiliates, all working together to advance inclusive life for the people we work for and with each day. Our work is informed by the lived experiences of people and their families, and we advocate for policy shifts at the local, provincial, and federal levels to remove systemic barriers.

How has Inclusion BC used Nidus resources or the Nidus Registry to support your work?
One of our core principles is respecting the authority of the person.

To protect their personhood and citizenship, we often encourage people to create Representation Agreements with their natural support networks. This ensures that if they’re in difficult situations, those who know them best are the ones helping to make decisions.

We frequently support families with this, and we provide learning opportunities around Representation Agreements. We also play a role in safeguarding the integrity of these agreements, ensuring they’re not misused.

What exciting projects or initiatives are you currently working on?
This year, Inclusion BC is celebrating 70 years of advocacy! To mark this milestone, we’re launching an on-line history curriculum—a two-and-a-half-hour course designed to educate people working in the social service sector, government, or education about an untold aspect of BC’s history. It will be a valuable resource for staff and board training, and it’s free of charge.

As part of Community Inclusion Month, we’re focusing on our “Freedom To” campaign, which emphasizes people’s freedom to learn, work, love, and thrive. We want to raise awareness about the rights and potential of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and remind everyone that they have the same desires and rights as everyone else.

How do you see Inclusion BC and Nidus collaborating more closely in the future?
I think we can work together more to ensure people know about Representation Agreements.

The joint webinar we hosted recently went really well, and I see opportunities for further collaboration, especially around incorporating Representation Agreements into our family support programs and events.

Karla concludes by offering her deep appreciation for Nidus’ work in safeguarding people’s right to supported decision-making. She highlights the value of ensuring that individuals can live dignified lives with the necessary supports in place.

Canadian Deafblind Association-BC Chapter

Canadian Deafblind Association – BC Chapter (CDBA-BC) is a national organization that advocates for and provides services to people who are deafblind.

Could you briefly introduce the Canadian Deafblind Association – BC Chapter to our readers who may not be familiar with your organization?
CDBA-BC is a registered non-profit charity dedicated to supporting children and youth with deafblindness across British Columbia.

Our mission is to assist individuals from birth to age 24, helping them and their families understand deafblindness, develop effective communication strategies, and navigate the unique challenges of dual sensory impairment. And our services include Early Intervention, Intervention support, sensory clinics, recreation programs and transition and emergency support, ensuring essential resources are accessible.

How has CDBA-BC used Nidus resources and the Nidus Registry to benefit your membership?
Many years ago, I participated in the Representation Agreement training through Nidus, which has been invaluable for our Youth Transition Program.

For young adults with deafblindness, RA7 agreements are vital during their transition to adulthood, empowering families to appoint trusted individuals to make decisions on their behalf.

I guide families through the process of creating their Representation Agreements, ensuring they understand each step. If questions arise, I know I can rely on Joanne Taylor and her team at Nidus for support, and the Nidus online resources are incredibly helpful.

What exciting projects or initiatives is CDBA-BC currently working on?
CDBA-BC offers a variety of programs focused on enhancing communication and life skills. Our services include transitional and emergency support, ensuring essential resources are accessible to families throughout the province.

One of our most exciting initiatives is Deafblind Awareness Month in June, where we host community-wide events and activities. We also collaborate with national organizations. As I always say, “The more, the merrier”—we welcome more individuals and organizations to join us in making a lasting, positive impact for those with dual sensory impairments.

How do you see CDBA-BC and Nidus collaborating more closely in the future?
I would love to see Nidus host a dedicated presentation for our families to directly address their questions and concerns regarding the RA7. This could enhance our support and engagement.

Additionally, families would gain insight into the bigger picture of personal planning and the importance of Representation Agreements of all types.

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