Cathy’s Story

Cathy's Story Please note - Cathy is a pseudonym, to respect the author's wish for privacy. My story is about my parents. Both my parents are immigrants and naturalized Canadians, but have been living and working in BC for decades. As they were aging and into their...

Bob’s Story

Bob's Story Download PDF Version of Bob's Story A plain text version of Bob’s story will be made available soon. Back to Other Stories INFORMATION FORMS ABOUT US NEWS & EVENTS REGISTRY SUPPORT US PRIVACY POLICY TERMS OF USE Sign up for newsletterStay...

Heather’s Story

Heather's Story Download PDF Version of Heather's Story Heather Morrison says being asked to be someone’s representative on a Representation Agreement is like being asked to be a Godmother: “It’s an honour.” Heather has been a representative on three...

Frances’ Story

Frances' Story Some people thought it couldn’t be done, but in 1994 a small group of dedicated friends and supporters successfully set up a Representation Agreement for a woman with no family and very limited ability to communicate. Frances was a woman who was...